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    Jack Horner and JP3April 5th, 2001

    Got this from Dan’s. He had an interview with Dr. Jack Horner Well anyways here’s the story.  

    I talked to Horner yesterday at CMU, and he was very closed mouth on the subject of JP3 as a number of people brought it up. He mentioned the feathered headgear of the raptors and how they are going to be more bird-like, for instance the wrist will fold back like a chicken’s. I asked him if any new dinosaurs were to be expected and he said the Spinosaurus, (which he explained had a 8 foot long head and sail) and others. I asked what others and he told me to go see the movie and then laughed. He talked about working with Spielberg and how great it was because Spielberg is ‘fantastic’ but he would never work in show business because ‘it was the same thing over and over again.’ he said, (and I will just paraphrase what he said here,) “For the movies Jurassic park, the lost World and JP3 I was a technical adviser on the appearance and actions of the dinosaurs. I had some say in what they did, I even got one to eat a lawyer, (laughs), in the next one its a Graduate Student!(laughs) In TLW you may have noticed a paleontologist in the movie that wore a big straw hat and had a beard…this character was based off a real paleontologist that often disagrees with me … I had him eaten too! (laughs)” Jack had a nice slide of a raptor with a feather head-thing that looks like the photos we’ve seen, the arms were very bird like.